22 июл. 2015 г.

Day 19

Collage of my dream trips and activities

Day 19
Today's experiment:

Do you think that there is somebody who knows better than you what you really want in your life and who can help you discover it? Hardly. But do you know it yourself? Is it possible to get something that makes you happy, if you don't know exactly what will make you happy?! Really happy, I don't speak about a foamy cappuccino that you would do well with right now and a minute pleasure it gives.

So today let’s concentrate on your big targets and work on the collage of your life goals. Make a list of things you would like to achieve and have in all spheres of your life such as your family relations, friends, leisure time, work, appearance, travelling, sex and others. Don't write: "I want to be happy with my boyfriend". Try to be precise, write something like "I want to have trust relationship with my boyfriend" or "I want to travel with my bf around South America" or "I want to feel free to experiment in bed with my bf and I want us both to be enthusiastic about experimenting".

Then, for each of your desires find a colorful emotionally charged picture on the internet or cut them out from magazines. Each pic should fully represent your desire and make you feel eager to work and achieve it every time you look at it. When you find appropriate pics for all of your wishes put them together in one big collage grouping them according to the  spheres of your life and print it out in color, or stick the cut-outs to a big sheet of paper to have a pin-up collage. Pin the ready collage up on the wall in some place where you will always see it as you pass by. Sometimes, try to sit and relax focusing on its pictures imagining what you can do at the moment to make one more step on the way of achieving this or that thing.

Enjoy your day! Enjoy your life!

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