31 июл. 2015 г.

Day 30
Day 30
Today's experiment:

Everybody needs some time to stay alone. Being alone we can concentrate on our mind frequency and hear our inner voice. Only staying alone you can think about what you exactly want and need without feeling influenced or pushed or talked into. Only staying alone you can adjust yourself to some indescribable cosmic energy source inside you.

30 июл. 2015 г.

Day 29

Day 29
Today's experiment:

Work done, have your fun! When a fruitful workday is finally over, there is a high time to distance yourself from all the work issues and enjoy your free time (even if it is also planned by minutes!). After work there goes your time, and you cannot complain if it is boring or filled with the same work issues as the first part of the day. Why does that happen that a person goes on thinking about his work even after the work day has officially finished?

29 июл. 2015 г.

Day 28

Day 28
Today's experiment:

Would you agree that when you have a lot of work to do, you work faster, and when you often have to take responsibility, you are no longer afraid of it, and vice versa, when you have a period without work it becomes really difficult to make yourself move and be active at work, hm?

Day 27

Day 27
Today's experiment:

Whatever you do it’s highly improbable that you can avoid having negative feelings and emotions, which is quite natural to feel. But you should learn to keep them under control and not let them overwhelm you, your actions and lifestyle. 

Think for a moment: what are the things and activities that help you relax after some tense stressful moments, lift your spirits and perk you up?

28 июл. 2015 г.

Day 26
Day 26
Today's experiment:

There are different ways to feel inner and outer balance, sometimes it's just impossible to draw a line where the outer space stops and starts the inner one. So you, probably, may apply the same methods to maintain them both in harmony and today we will discuss in detail two of them: one inevitable and the other pleasant one!

Day 25

Day 25
Today's experiment:

And again about the importance of time management... Have you ever noticed how much time is wasted on gossips, aimless chatting, complaining, scrolling the pages of social network websites, reading the celebrities news and fashion magazines or peering at the TV screen? Ok, women's life should include a little bit of these doubtful pleasures, but in fact they are our main time consumers, they just boldly steel our time!

27 июл. 2015 г.

Day 24
Day 24
Today's experiment:

Do you have a lot of friends or just few ones? Are you happy about it? Do you feel needed? Do you feel helpful to them? Do you feel their support?  There is a thing that can help you to boost the number of friends, be useful and caring and receive the support of others. Connect people! 

Day 23
Day 23
Today's experiment:

Most of our time we spend at work. You would say: “So lucky those ones who enjoy it!” Maybe. Or, maybe, the way you feel about it depends just on you. So if you want to feel comfortable as if at home and happy about our work - go ahead and do something. Today you will add some "spice" to your workplace.

24 июл. 2015 г.

Day 22
Day 22
Today's experiment:

I bet everybody has heard at least once in their life about the so-called "zone of comfort" - the set of routine situations in which a person feels comfortable enough (which doesn't always mean happy) that he/she fears and resists any change. For example, you feel bored with your job and see no opportunity for promotion. You may quit and start looking for some other job offers, but it means taking some risk as you leave your "zone of comfort", and you think you'd better not change anything, besides the salary is not that disastrous...

Day 21

Day 21
Today's experiment:

One of the most important things for every woman is to know that she is attractive. To know...and to see a real proof of it. Imagine: spend one day just for yourself, feel absolutely relaxed and happy, have your nails and hair done, have a special make up, put on gorgeous clothes and ... have a special photo shoot done just for you!

23 июл. 2015 г.

Day 20
Day 20
Today's experiment:

No matter how we may sometimes love to be alone with nobody bothering you and nosing around, mostly people need to be with somebody to feel loved, secure and happy. Best friends are priceless, but one more thing that we need is new faces in our life.

22 июл. 2015 г.

Day 19

Collage of my dream trips and activities

Day 19
Today's experiment:

Do you think that there is somebody who knows better than you what you really want in your life and who can help you discover it? Hardly. But do you know it yourself? Is it possible to get something that makes you happy, if you don't know exactly what will make you happy?! Really happy, I don't speak about a foamy cappuccino that you would do well with right now and a minute pleasure it gives.

20 июл. 2015 г.

Day 18

Day 18
Today's experiment:

Today we will pay attention to the contacts we have. You see your colleagues every day but that's not all we need. Seeing one and the same faces around you all the time can be even depressing. So take it as a weekly rule to see at least one good old friend, make two telephone calls to some relatives or other friends of yours and send two emails or, at least, two long messages to your remote friends or relatives, or ex-colleagues.

Day 17

Day 17
Today's experiment:

Everybody needs some time just for themselves. No matter how much you enjoy your work, you need a good rest. And if you don't enjoy it, you need a good rest ten times more. The better you rest, the higher your performance at work is, and your satisfaction with life. So never deprive yourself of a good rest. The problem is that the majority of people don't know how to relax and refresh your energy stores. If you think that you can properly do it roosting as usual on the sofa in front of a TV, the situation really sucks! 

16 июл. 2015 г.

Day 16

Day 16
Today's experiment:

Do you like when somebody notices how good-looking and charming you are today? And what enchanting perfume you are wearing, or how this new dress fits you making you a queen, or how easily you can solve the task that nobody could handle? You should agree it's very pleasant to know that other people may think well about you. But it is much better to hear it from them. It gives you a push of self-confidence and enthusiasm to be happy, to enjoy what you do and what you are.

13 июл. 2015 г.

Day 15
Day 15
Today's experiment:

Of course, every person is exceptional but what concerns our good mood (or its absence, in particular), there is one remedy for each and every of us that we should try first before looking for other more serious treatments. Sleep. Have you ever experienced that just one thought about the weekend and a chance to sleep more than usual lifts your mood up? Have you ever felt that after sleeping enough (but not too much!) you feel more relaxed, satisfied, fresh and eager to enjoy the day?

9 июл. 2015 г.

Day 14
Day 14
Today's experiment:

And now we will practice one more trick which will help to live a more complete life. Most people live for their future. We work to earn money so that to have good holidays, we study so that to get a better job. That works and we may achieve what we want. But a lot of time is wasted into nowhere, and we even can't recall what it was all about.

Day 13
Day 13
Today's experiment:

How often at the end of the day you can hardly recall what you’ve done, what has happened to you, what you’ve been happy about. Consequently, at the end of the week you can hardly answer anything clear if somebody asks you "What's new? What have you been busy with all the week that you never called?". The only thing that usually comes to mind is work, home...

7 июл. 2015 г.

Day 12
Day 12
Today's experiment:

Continuing the topic of organizing your time, I should mention that for boosting our personal productivity we should include at least one unpleasant thing in our plan for each day. Furthermore, we should start our work day straight away from fulfilling this unpleasant and so undesirable thing. 

Day 11
Day 11
Today's experiment:

Nowadays it’s popular to talk about a proper organization of the day, so I can't but mention it here. Plans are very important for successful activity and life in general. There are two types of plans that I consider useful to mention and easy to do. 

5 июл. 2015 г.

Day 10
Day 10
Today's experiment:

Think of people who would be interested in your success, would be happy for you, who would sincerely share the happiness of your achievements. Take your Diary and write their names down. Would all of them want to join you to celebrate your success?

Day 9’t-believe-we-can/
Day 9
Today's experiment:

You can't but admit that you feel proud recalling the moments of your success, seeing the  awards you received, even a long time ago, or watch a video with you making a speech in front of a big audience, or just recall your boss's praise.
If you learn to always take into consideration your merits, accept them as a proof of your competency, self-efficiency, charisma and etc., you will feel more experienced, worthy and, consequently, confident and self-reliant.

3 июл. 2015 г.

Day 8
Day 8
Today's experiment:

Physical activity is important not only for making alterations to your body and keeping you fit, but also for maintaining the inner balance. It helps to switch the focus from mental to physical work and vice versa. So taking into consideration its immense importance I advise you to introduce any physical activity to your life if you haven’t done it yet.

Day 7

Day 7
Today's experiment

Before we have mostly talked about our character traits. Today we will proceed to our body. Take off the clothes and look carefully at yourself in the mirror. Look with love and care, breathe deeply and feel calm. What do you feel? Do you feel comfortable about the way you feel? Do you feel satisfied with the way you look?

Day 6

Day 6
Today's experiment:

For a moment let’s return to the analysis of your person-inspirator. What are the qualities that you admire in him or her? What are the qualities that you, in general, admire in people? Take your Diary (or do it online in comments), and after a thorough consideration make a list of at least 5 qualities that you appreciate in other people. Do you possess any of them?

Day 5
Day 5
Today's experiment:

How many things do you usually do during the day? Mmm...''Who knows,'' you will say, ''a lot''. Which of them do you perform excellently?
 Pay attention that we always admire and value people who can do something better than anybody else. It doesn’t matter what they do exactly. It can be singing on the stage in front of the multimillion audience or making endless hundreds of copies of important documents and putting them in a perfect order. No matter what you do, do it with a top mark. 

2 июл. 2015 г.

Day 4
Day 4
Today's experiment:

And again, about the importance of the motivation for changes. You remember that somebody’s successful model is so tempting to follow. Great! We are going to use it. Think of a person or persons who really inspire you. You have found the right people if after talking to them, learning what they have recently done, what they have achieved and what they are planning to do, you feel as if a stroke of lightning: I also want some action in my life! I can! I will! I want!

1 июл. 2015 г.

Day 3

Day 3
Today's experiment:

Today we will take up a self-analysis. Fetch your Diary and write in two columns at least 5 positive and 5 negative qualities you possess